
Showing posts from January, 2023



Eyes beta is a powerful Kedi healthcare products that is mainly for eyes problem  There are four main ingredients extracted from eyes beta Blueberry lutein,fructus lycii and panax notoginseng which are blended to maintain the products effectiveness Blueberry is the most effective eye care which is of small molecule easily absorbed to the body  It is a good source of vitamin K and C,it is also an antioxidant lutein contains and also carotenoids found in the colour of the age that filters radiation from light and protect eye tissues from sunlight Fructus lycii is rich in nutrient in treating and preventing eye tissues panax notoginseng, relieves eye blood vessels and reducing swelling of the  Functions and health Benefits Provides eye with all nutrients needed  Improves blood circulation Maintain health status of capillary,blood vessels  It relieves eye strain and dryness  It prevents and improves the condition of eye disorder such as blurred vision


Foot massage is a Chinese Traditional Medicine treasure. There is a famous Chinese saying “human foot is like tree root, if the root dies, the tree will die; if foot is weak, human will be sick”, Chinese people regard the foot as the second heart of human. Foot massage is a self-healthcare suitable for everyone, even after your first treatment, you will feel rejuvenated and relaxed. The massage will increase blood supply to the rest of the body, it will ease pressure and reduce fatigue. African people always wear sandal, while the feet are being exposed to the sun, rain, dust, bacteria, and virus, the feet can be hurt or infected, so the feet need to be taken care of. Our Blood Circulatory Instrument is specially designed for African people. Person's with underlisted diseases benefit from foot reflexology by weight circulatory instrument  Weight control Flu Chronic headaches  Hypertension Low blood pressure Skin allergy  Backache Rheumatism Splenic and gastric disease


Malaria is a leife threatening disease all the World with nearly half of the world's population at a risk of malaria especially I most developing is typically transmitted through the bite of an infected Anopheles mosquito.infected mosquitoes carry the plasmodium parasite.when mosquito bites,the parasites is released into your bloodstream where it becomes matured and infects the red blodd cells.this happens between 48 to 72hrs after which the parasite burst open and infects the whole body cells  It can be transmitted by Anopheles mosquito            Kedi Qinghao capsule has been in the market for several years and has helped to rigorously combat Plasmodium falciparum and other multi drug resistant malaria  Qinghao has been used to treat several people all over the Africa with the product being known for its effectiveness Health Benefits Treatment of all forms of malaria , especially P falciparum malaria and multi drug resistant malaria


*VITAGENT TABLET - PREMIUM FORMULA FOR MEN'S OVERALL HEALTH* 💊💪 The unique Vitagent Capsule is selling fast as more men have discovered that Vitagent Tablet contains different *VITAMIN B and SAW PALMETTO EXTRACT,* which are crucial for their overall health 👌 It is an advanced daily multivitamin complex that helps increase energy and stamina levels, enhance nervous and immune systems, improve vision and antioxidant capabilities 💯 ▪️Are you a man with unsatisfactory health conditions? ▪️Are you a man battling with vitamin deficiency? ▪️Are you a man battling with weak immunity and bone issues?  ▪️Are you a man battling with prostate problem? Are you a man who gets tired and angry easily?  ▪️Do you smoke and drink alcohol? ▪️Are you a fitness enthusiast? All you need is *ONE TABLET OF VITAGENT* daily to enjoy sound health 👌 Vitagent Tablet is available at all KEDI outlets nationwide, GET YOURS TODAY!!!


Your blood pressure is the pressure of your blood in your circulatory system. Blood pressure is recorded as systolic blood pressure over diastolic blood pressure. Systolic blood pressure indicates how much pressure your blood exerts against your artery walls when your heart beats, whereas diastolic blood pressure indicates how much pressure your blood is exerting against your artery walls while your heart is resting between beats. Normal blood pressure is categorized as a systolic reading below 120 mmHg and a diastolic reading below 80 mmHg. Generally, more emphasis is placed on elevated systolic blood pressure as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease; however, elevated systolic or diastolic blood pressure alone can be used to make a diagnosis of high blood pressure or hypertension.


Sex is probably one of the most enjoyable part of one's life. However,more than half of all men that are over 49 years old have difficulties getting or maintaining erection. This could be referred to as impotency or erectile dysfunction (ED).it occurs with younger men as well  Revive is an herbal tonic that boosts sexual performance. Scientifically, research has proven that this product boosts the excitability of impulses from the brain and local nerves which allows the blood to flow in and fill the spaces within the tissue Health Benefits Enhances male sexual performance Delays Ejaculation Increases sperm count and libido  Improves mental alertness Gives strong and hard erection Relieves waist pain and promotes stamina 


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Autoimmune Disease arises from abnormal immune response in which the immune system mistakenly attacks its own body parts like joints and skin rather than fighting against germs and infections Immune deficiency disease decrease the body's ability to fight invaders causing vulnerability to infections  Golden hypha capsule contains advanced immunomodulatory protein from immune active botanicals such as flammulina velutipes and so on  Golden Hypha capsule restores immune system with the ability of boosting CD4 cells which could have been weakened die to the treatment of cancer and chronic hepatitis  Health Benefits Boosts immune system and fight against virus outbreak Relieves hepatitis, neurodermatitis and side effects of cancer and tumor treatment You can get this by calling this number 09169452583



Pelvic Inflammatory disease (PID) is an infection of the female reproductive organ caused vg serious complication of some sexually transmitted diseases(STDs) such as Chlamydia and Gonorrhea which is recent times among women are considered as serious ill- health condition by the World Health Organization Having unprotected sex with someone who has STDs,also during medical procedures such as child birth, abortion miscarriage and endometrial biopsy,PID can be contacted  The power to evacuate pain in the lower abdomen , unusual vagina discharge with bad odour , pain and bleeding during sexual intercourse made Gynapharm an effective Traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of pelvic inflammatory disease and other feminine related infections  Health Benefits  Clears heat and tonifies spleen, effective for detoxification and dehumidification  Dredges collaterals and activates blood circulation Used for the treatment of annexitis ,endometritis and pelvic inflammationwith downw

Hepatitis B Herbal Solution with Kedi healthcare products

We live in an industrial environment where our bodies are subjected to the pressure of modern industries every day due to air pollution,food and environmental pollution , alcoholic liver injury ,liver injury from chemical industries and chemical liver injury  Liver needs to be taken good care of due to its significant roles in the body system The Liver is the most important organ metabolic and circulatory system of the human contains cells that destroy any disease causing agents in the body  Lirich is a traditional Chinese medicine prepared from active herbal ingredients Health Benefits Effective for improving abnormal liver function, treating alcoholic liver and fatty liver  Effective for improving hematopoietic function of the liver  Strengthen ing blood detoxifying function,eliminating chemical contamination toxin inside the body and improving blood and body health 

Diabetes and Solution With Diawel Tablet

There is an organ that must be mention when talking about diabetes and that organ is called pancreas  Pancreas is an hormone that excretes the hormone insulin  However Diabetes was considered to be disease of the affluent but it has become disease of the rich and the poor because many factors can contribute to the chances of a person in getting diabetes. Diabetes is typically classified into two ;Type 1,or Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus where the pancreas makes little or no insulin,so sugar cannot get into the body cells foruse of energy and Type 2 or non insulin dependent diabetes mellitus where the pancreas makes insulin bit it either does not produce enough or does not makes use of the available insulin in the body      Diawel is formulated by the combination of Chinese herbal ingredients to treats diabetes alongside with Kedi healthcare products    Health Benefits  It helps to produce saliva and slake thirst and clears away heat and purges pathogenic fire  Used for

Eye Beta Capsule

Eye Beta Capsule is a Kedi healthcare products blended in a traditional Chinese medicine process to maintain the effectiveness of this product  It is however a powerful antioxidant rich in fibre and manganese and valued for it high level of antioxidant  Health Benefits  Prevent and improve the condition of eye disorder such as blurred vision,senile glaucoma, cataract,myopia,and diabetic Retinopathy Eliminate harmful free radicals and enhances visual acuity  Maintains health status of capillary blood vessels Relieves strain pain,dryness of the eyes and protects against ectopia lentis  Improves blood circulation of the eyes Provides the eyes with all the nutrients needed.


There are different kinds of bacteria or diseases ladies face during their period or different personal issue,some often complain that they always have pain during their period or heavy discharge but they have been looking for ways to stop those problem but couldn't fine any solution to it  This Pad is totally different from pads like Virony,Diva and so many other ladies Pad  This pad is called 7layers Sanitary Pad   It was made of 7layers and absorb than anything      Health Benefits It treats PID Pelvic Inflammatory Diseases  Heavy Vagina discharge Vaginitis (Whitish discharge)  Pain during Menstruation  Infertility Fibroid eradication This is everything about this pad  You can drop your comment Incase you have any questions about this pad